Why Choose Us?

Better S-Penders is a small locally-owned company that produces artisan hand-crafted suspenders the old fashioned way. We’re not a giant big-box super store that doesn’t pay a living wage or care about the people or the community. We’re your neighbors. We’re your co-workers. We’re your friends.

  • Featured Client: Niel Caffey
  • Location: Grants Pass, Oregon

Try This On for Size…

We almost (but not quite) feel guilty about including testimonials on our site, because they virtually all come from people we know

I have been cutting timber for 40 years and Better S-Penders are the toughest, longest lasting suspenders I have ever worn. – Niel Caffey

We don’t just get testimonials from our customers, we actively solicit feedback and use that to improve our products. You talk and we’ll listen. While we can’t guarantee we’ll add or change everything that people request, please know that we’re paying attention to you. We are also constantly trying out new materials and designs, hoping to improve our products without compromising our roots and traditions, the things that have made our suspenders legendary.


When we started the company, we also purchased all the gear used by the last (deceased) owner to manufacture these legendary suspenders. In fact, while we’ve since added a few things, we still use the same machinery and tools she did. We value the tradition of old world craftsmanship and work hard to be true to that philosophy.

Great Materials

Over time, we have developed lasting relationships with the companies who supply the various materials used in the construction of our suspenders. Because of these relationships, we get first looks at new materials from suppliers for possible use in our designs.

We call Grants Pass, Oregon home because this is where we choose to live, the place we decided to hang our hats. We have lived here a good long time and are as tied to the land and the community as it’s possible to be. We’re thrilled to be able to both live and work in such a beautiful, wild area.

Most Recent Projects

Hey, We’re Out in the Woods – Full Video

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